The European Banking Authority (EBA) published new AML-related guidelines on 31 March 2023, which took effect on 3 November 2023. These guidelines impose additional requirements on the controls that institutions have for effective management of Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing (ML/TF) when providing access to financial services. As such, they mainly focus on customer acceptance. The focus of these guidelines is very much on the vulnerable client.
Who do these guidelines apply to?
The guidelines are mainly addressed to banks, investment fund managers, investment firms, payment service providers, financial service providers, leasing companies and life insurers. The guidelines therefore do not apply to all Wwft institutions.
Why these guidelines?
In a 2022 report, the EBA wrote that recent sector-wide 'de-risking' has led to vulnerable clients being denied access to financial services in some cases without a valid reason. The offboarding of certain categories of clients (without due consideration of individual risk profile) is unjustified, according to the EBA, and a sign of ineffective ML/TF management. So to counter this, the regulator is now introducing new guidelines.
The new guidelines indicate that a customer can be refused on ML/TF grounds only after other options - such as a tightening of control measures - have been considered. This should include both the grounds for refusal and the requirement to document refusal. Also, after refusal, the customer should be informed of his right to contact a relevant competent authority or designated dispute resolution body.
Credit and financial institutions should have policies and procedures that include an onboarding process for the following cases:
When it concerns a payment account for a customer with a low risk profile, the policy should include the alternative identification options. The policy should also state when customer due diligence may be deferred until after the business relationship has been established.
The EBA indicates that lower customer due diligence requirements may create higher risks. These risks are mitigated by offering a restricted product. Here, the EBA lists options of restrictions on products, an assessment of which should be included in the procedures:
What this means for you
Under Article 16(3) from the Regulation establishing the EBA, credit and financial institutions must make "best efforts" to comply with these guidelines. This means that if your institution falls within the scope of the guidelines, the utmost effort should be made to align the organisation's policies and their application with the guidelines. National regulators have indicated that they see these guidelines as clarifying and specifying existing standards. Failure to meet the regulator's expectations can have dire consequences.
Projective Group is happy to help you interpret and implement new laws and regulations, such as the EBA guidelines on onboarding the vulnerable client. For instance, we can help by conducting a gap analysis. Here, we map out the extent to which your organisation already complies with the requirements from the EBA guidelines and which steps you still need to take to be fully compliant. We also offer an e-learning on conducting customer research through our training institute, The Ministry of Compliance. Please contact us for this without any obligation.