yu sum man

Yu Sum Man

Risk & Compliance consultant

My extensive experience as a corporate lawyer at various financial institutions enables me to translate complex legal issues into workable solutions for practitioners.

I have a strong focus on quality and content, but a pragmatic approach always comes first. I support institutions in complex implementation projects of new laws and regulations, but also like to think along with a company’s strategy or the development of a new product or service. I always strive to make the possibilities within the law understandable and insightful and by mapping out the (legal) risks. Where possible, I anticipate legal developments so that the advice is also future-proof.


Relevant experience

  • Implementation of new laws and regulations at various institutions (including MAR, MiFID I and II, IDD and SFDR)
  • Re-)structuring and setting up (Dutch and Luxembourg) investment funds
  • Development of new products and/or services (e.g. PPI, (structured) notes)
  • Establishment of and participation in Regulatory Board
  • Various complex projects, e.g. merger of ING Bank and Postbank, separation of ING Group/Bank and Nationale Nederlanden