
Pitfalls in implementing the Future Pensions Act (Wtp)

Date:July 17, 2024

Implementing the Future Pensions Act (Wtp) is a complex and challenging process. Despite the efforts of the past one-and-a-half to two years, Projective Group still sees common pitfalls that occur in this type of large-scale transition. In this article, we discuss some of the main pitfalls and how to avoid them.

It’s not too late yet

Before we dive into the pitfalls, let me say this. Perhaps it feels like it is already too late to avoid certain pitfalls. In fact, you may already be in the middle of them, or you may think that it takes more time to move around the trap now than to go straight through it. Just when you feel you are already too late, that is reason to start doing things differently. Accept that you are too late for some things. If you let things go because you are ‘late anyway’, problems will only pile up. Rather, look at what actions you can do to avoid more problems.

Pitfall 1: insufficient in-depth cooperation

One of the biggest challenges in Wtp implementation is the complexity of cooperation between different parties. It is crucial to draw up a thorough approach and planning, discuss it thoroughly and follow it up. Unfortunately, this is often not worked out in sufficient depth, creating ambiguity about who does what and when. This leads to problems and delays. This is not just a Wtp pitfall, but a typical problem in large change programmes.

Nor is it surprising that this pitfall rears its head in many change programmes. On the one hand, a lot is still unclear in the start-up phase and people are not used to designing a project of this size in a very structured way. On the other hand, everyone wants to start quickly because time is short. That combination makes you quickly drop the structure and collaborations become more awkward.

Solution: Setting up a transition office helps here. This team ensures across the entire chain that schedules are clearly and tightly worked out and everyone is informed of progress. This ensures a smooth flow and prevents content experts from having to deal with the logistics of the project.

Pitfall 2: lack of timely and effective communication

Another common pitfall is the lack of early and effective communication with employees and other stakeholders. You are going to make a big change; from change management point of view rule, one is to communicate with stakeholders from the very first hour. They need to understand what is happening and what it means for them. Due to busyness, this does not get priority. Often, communication takes place late in the process, resulting in a complex and overwhelming message.

Solution: Build communication into small, manageable steps and start doing this from day one. Use interactive tools to increase engagement, such as an AI tool or chatbot that can answer questions quickly and efficiently. This ensures better understanding and acceptance of the change. Even if you are well past day one now, it is wise to catch up on communication from this point onwards and divide and communicate in bite-sized chunks in the future.

Projective Group is currently working on the chatWtp bot specialising in Wtp. If you implement it in your organisation, employees can fire all questions at the chatbot. We have trained the chatbot to quickly answer all standard questions. In addition, the bot learns quickly from new questions. Our chatWtp bot will go live in Q3 2024.

Pitfall 3: tensions in the final phase

In the final phase of implementation, when the deadline approaches, tensions often arise between different parties. Some are just a bit further along than others, resulting in irritations and tensions. This can lead to stress and panic, hindering cooperation and progress. Of course, this is always a problem, but it is completely so with the Wtp. The implementation phase is followed by the transition phase. In this, you work with the same parties. If you didn’t finish the implementation phase pleasantly, you won’t start the next phase well together either.

Solution: Strengthen the cooperation in this crucial phase by consulting more intensively and setting priorities. The first thing to go out of agendas during this period are consultations while these are important right now. Ensure that problems are identified and addressed quickly. Enlisting additional help, such as experienced consultants, can also contribute to a smooth completion of the implementation phase and a successful start to the transition.


Implementing the Future Pensions Act is a challenging process, but with the right approach, you can avoid the common pitfalls. Even if you are already well past the starting point. By investing in a transition office, early and effective communication and intensive cooperation in the final phase, the transition can be smooth and successful.

Need last-minute extra hands or is your organisation looking for advice around Wtp implementation? Our experts are ready to support and guide you through this complex process.

About Projective Group

Established in 2006, Projective Group is a leading Financial Services change specialist.

We are recognised within the industry as a complete solutions provider, partnering with clients in Financial Services to provide resolutions that are both holistic and pragmatic.  We have evolved to become a trusted partner for companies that want to thrive and prosper in an ever-changing Financial Services landscape.