Data People

From South-Africa to the Netherlands: Dewald’s journey at Projective Group

Date:November 2, 2023

Recently, we had a delightful chat with Dewald Keulder, who joined Projective Group as a Data Analyst in September 2022. After honing his skills as a Banking Consultant in South Africa, Dewald transitioned to life in The Netherlands. His passion for Personal Knowledge Management and Data Analytics greatly enriches his role at Projective Group, blending client-site responsibilities with his position as a Capability Lead. Dewald happily shared his experiences and the joys of working with us.

What attracted you to Projective Group?

“As I considered various companies for my move to The Netherlands, Projective Group immediately stood out because of its people and culture. Right from the start, I was greeted with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. A close friend from South Africa, who had already made the move, had nothing but praise for Projective Group. Their excitement was contagious, and once I joined, my experiences reaffirmed all those positive vibes.”

Projective Group immediately stood out because of its people and culture.

After a year with Projective Group, what stands out to you?

“A few things come to mind. First, the offsites. Our trip to Riga was an unforgettable experience, especially seeing and walking through snow for the first time. Secondly, the open culture and flat structure here allow everyone to truly shine and make their mark. It’s so easy-going that I met our CEO casually within my first two weeks! It’s a refreshing change from the hierarchical norms I experienced in South Africa. Lastly, the team’s warmth and approachability make every day enjoyable.”

The open culture and flat structure here allow everyone to truly shine and make their mark.

What’s an accomplishment you’re particularly proud of?

“One of my proudest moments has been contributing to the development of the Netherlands Data Practice. It’s been an enlightening journey, expanding my grasp on data and offering a deeper dive into the nuances of building and fostering a data practice. It’s incredibly rewarding to see how far we’ve come and to note the marked improvement in our client project outcomes due to the expertise we’re nurturing internally.”

What part of your work brings you the most joy?

“I thrive on structuring knowledge. It aligns with my personal interest in optimizing knowledge management. With numerous meetings daily, managing the inflow of information effectively is vital. Figuring out note-taking techniques, categorizing them, and turning them into actionable steps is immensely satisfying.”

What are your aspirations within Projective Group?

“While I’ve been deeply engrossed in my work, a few ambitions stand out. I’m keen on supporting Han Hoogland, our Data Practice Lead in The Netherlands in expanding the Data Practice here. His enthusiasm is infectious. I also aim for impeccable execution of client projects, and I’m toying with the idea of launching a workshop focused on enhancing knowledge management skills – something I hold dear. In the distant future, I see myself possibly teaching in areas I’ve mastered.”

Any words of wisdom for potential joiners of Projective Group?

“If Projective Group piques your interest, start with a deep dive into the job descriptions on our website. Ensure there’s a match between your strengths and what’s sought after. Here, dedication shines bright, and if you’re someone who can spearhead innovative avenues, like in data analytics, without a set path, you’ll find Projective Group to be a rewarding place. It’s truly a stage where you can leave a lasting impression.”

Are you looking for the next step in your career? We’re always on the lookout for talent. Have a look at our career page and who knows, we might see you soon!

About Projective Group

Established in 2006, Projective Group is a leading Financial Services change specialist.

We are recognised within the industry as a complete solutions provider, partnering with clients in Financial Services to provide resolutions that are both holistic and pragmatic.  We have evolved to become a trusted partner for companies that want to thrive and prosper in an ever-changing Financial Services landscape.