Projective Group

Publication Date: July2023
This Carbon Reduction Plan details Projective Group’s organisational carbon footprint (baseline year FY22) and confirms our commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2040.

This Carbon Reduction Plan will be updated annually and published on Projective Group’s website. The plan has been approved by the Projective Group board, and is owned by CEO, Stefan Dierckx, demonstrating clear leadership commitment to emissions reduction.

‘Projective Group’ is the branding used when referring to all companies owned by the privately owned company Projective Holding NV, a company registered at De Kleetlaan 5A bus 4 1831 Diegem, Belgium. The companies trading within Projective Group havebusiness operations in Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

For more information about our business, please visit our website:

Our commitment to achieving Net Zero

In September 2023 Projective Group committed to achieving Net Zero emissions across our operations and supply chain by 2040 -10 years ahead of the Paris Agreement.

We are signatories to The ClimatePledge, and by association became a member of the UNFCCC’s Race to Zero Campaign.

Baseline Emissions Footprint

Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases (GHG) that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.

Baseline Year: 01 January – 31 December 2022 (FY22)
Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations. Our baseline emissions are calculated using the operational control approach as described in the GHG Protocol.

The baseline emissions provided for FY22 represent Projective Group’s initial baseline, which we will use to measure progress against our carbon reduction plan.

The operational scope of this emissions assessment covers all Projective Group companies and locations, as of 31 December 2022.

Summary baseline year emissions:
3,345.8 Total ton CO2e
6.0Ton CO2e per FTE (based upon 588FTE at 31 December 2022)

Scope 11237.3
Fuel combustion621.3
Vehicle Fleet616.1
Fugitive emissionsn/a 1
Process emissionsn/a 2
Scope 2754.8
Steam, Heating and/or coolingn/a 3
Scope 3 (Included Sources)1353.6
1. Purchased goods and services625.7
2. Capital goodsn/a 4
3. Fuel and energy related services305.6
4. Transportation and distribution of products (upstream)n/a 5
5. Waste generated in operationsn/a 6
6. Business travel373.7
7. Employee Commuting and Working from home58.7
8. Leased assetsn/a 4
9. Transportation and distribution of products (downstream)n/a 5
10. Processing of sold productsn/a 5
11. Use of sold productsn/a 5
12. End of life treatment of sold productsn/a 5
13. Leased assets (downstream)n/a 4
14. Franchisesn/a 4
15. Investmentsn/a 4
Total Emissions3,345.8
  1. Fugitive emissions are not deemed material for Projective Group (PG)
  2. PG is not involved in the transformation of raw materials
  3. PG does not consume any steam, heating or cooling
  4. Not applicable for PG
  5. PG does not produce, sell or transport any products
  6. We currently lack capability to include waste management in the scope of our baseline calculation

Emissions reduction targets

We are working on the supporting data to define interim emissions targets, and quantify the contribution of specific initiatives against these targets.

Planned Carbon Reduction Projects

Completed Carbon Reduction Initiatives

Projective Group are in the process of defining, assessing feasibility and prioritising a number of Carbon Reduction Initiatives.

To date:

  1. In September 2023 Projective Group committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2040.
  2. We set a Baseline Emissions year (FY22), acting as a reference point against which emissions reductions can be measured.
  3. We have committed to Measure and report annually on our Carbon Footprint in accordance with The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, Revised Edition 2015.

Planned Carbon Reduction Initiatives

We are currently in the process of defining, assessing feasibility and prioritising Carbon Reduction Initiatives in line with the three areas of action we have agreed to follow as a signatory to The Climate Pledge:

  1. We are currently in the process of defining, assessing feasibility and prioritising Carbon Reduction Initiatives in line with the three areas of action we have agreed to follow as a signatory to The Climate Pledge:
    1. Initiatives under consideration:
      1. Take steps to refine our emissions calculation methodology, closing material gaps, and improving the accuracy of our data collection approach.
      2. Understand the requirements of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and consider submitting our carbon reduction plan to this initiative.
  2. Carbon elimination: Implement decarbonization strategies in line with the Paris Agreement through real business changes and innovations, including efficiency improvements, renewable energy, materials reductions, and other carbon emission elimination strategies.
    1. Initiatives under consideration:
      1. Incorporate energy efficiency and sustainability considerations in landlord discussions (e.g., improvements to office energy efficiency, office refurbishments, and the choice of new offices).
      2. Switch to renewable energy across all our offices and implement further energy efficiency measures wherever possible.
      3. Implement a company-wide Travel Management Policy (and related technical solutions providing emissions data) to effectively measure and manage the environmental impacts of business travel and reduce carbon intensive travel where appropriate.
      4. Develop and deliver bespoke and targeted sustainability training to our people.
      5. Educate, engage and empower our colleagues to lead by example and drive change both in their day to day lives and through the client work we deliver.
      6. Work with suppliers to promote and improve environmental performance, defining minimum standards for environmental sustainability for all our suppliers through the evolution of a Supplier Code of Conduct.
      7. Explore the impact of switching data centres and servers to renewable energy or migrating to net zero cloud options.
      8. Conduct a global commuting and working from home survey to develop and expand our Scope 3 emissions calculation and explore ways to limit the impact of emissions from travelling to work.
      9. Create a sustainability approach for internal events, considering potential offsetting, and integrating ESG principles into the decision-making process around travel, purchasing, food, energy and waste.
  3. Credible offsets: Neutralize any remaining emissions with additional, quantifiable, real, permanent, and socially beneficial offsets to achieve net zero annual carbon emissions by 2040.
    1. Initiatives under consideration:
      1. Near term: Offset business travel emissions from our 2022 annual offsite, and future group-wide offsite events.
      2. Long term: Seek solutions to compensate residual emissions (i.e. emissions remaining after implementation of all technically and economically feasible opportunities), through the purchase of carbon credits, in line with the group’s net zero 2040 commitment.

Declaration and Sign Off

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.

Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard7and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting. For our analysis we used ADEME, DEFRA, and EEA sources to calculate our carbon footprint. These are recognized and recommended as reliable sources of greenhouse gas emission factors by various national and international organizations, including governments.

Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard.

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors of Projective Group.

Stefan Dierckx, Chief Executive Officer
Date: 7/13/2023

Reference Information

Policy Name: Carbon Reduction Plan

Policy Responsibility: Will Thomas

Key Contacts: Will Thomas, Dries Boonen

Policy Version: 1.0

Approved by: Stefan Dierckx,Koen De Smet, Laurent Zintz

Date of approval: June 2023

Next revision: June 2024

Policy reviewers

RoleNameReview complete
CEOStefan DierckxYes
Projective Group Board of DirectorsFrank Verhaegen; Jurgen Ingels; Ruben Monballieu; Toby Pearson; Stefan Dierckx; Laurent Zintz; Corjan Mol (observer); Peter Wens (observer); Stephanie Massart (observer)Yes
CFOLaurent ZintzYes
Office responsible personsKoen De Smet (BE); Jaco Booster (NL); Will Thomas (UK); Kersten M. Meyer (DE)Yes
Local management teamsBE: Koen De Smet; Mike Leerdam; Sofie Sterken; Mikael Tichelaer; Ilse Roosens; Leslie Hemmerechts; Steven Thill
NL: Corjan Mol; Koos Haakma; Paul Jans; Piet Impens; Robert de Jong
UK: John Taylor; Alex Gilbert; Charlotte Evridipes; John Parker; Jo-nathan Rose; Matthew Fivelman; Melanie Jenner; Nicolas Micheli; Toby Pearson
DE: Kersten M. Meyer; Ute Herzog; Jeroen van der Eerden
FR: Nadezda Kozlova; Philippe Deniau
Head of fleetWillem Du Bois (BE); Ellen-Claire Heinis (NL)Yes
Culture & Communities pillarsBE: Ilse Roosens; Rea Bakiasi; Angela Van Den Bogaerde; Evi Buelens; Jade Heuts; Ellen Delagrange; Trang Tuyet Huynh
NL: Femke Duijvestijn
UK: Charlotte Evripides; Denise Mitchell, Ian Stephenson; Dominic Boyce; Annerie Veldsma
DE: Ute Herzog
FR: Nadezda Kozlova