
Projective Group’s Initiatives for Mental Health Awareness Week

Date:June 4, 2024

two weeks ago was Mental Health Awareness Week. At Projective Group, we organised a series of initiatives centred around movement – this year’s theme. On Thursday, we finished off with a very special treat…

This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week was all about ‘moving more for mental health’. At Projective Group, the mental health of our people is one of our main concerns. That’s why we couldn’t let this week go by unnoticed. We launched a series of initiatives that centred around physical wellbeing and how movement of any kind has a strong positive impact on our mental health. Here’s what we’ve been up to.

The goal of this personal storytelling was to encourage awareness through authentic stories from our own people.

Daily movement motivators

Any movement is important and helpful. There are many small things you can do to incorporate more movement into your day that don’t require much effort. You might take the stairs instead of the lift, stand up while you’re talking on the phone, or park a little further away from your destination to get some extra steps in.

For Mental Health Awareness Week, we shared daily reminders and ideas for our colleagues to spend time at least 30 minutes a day outdoors and tips to embed these into their daily habits. These included having lunch outside, walking during a meeting or doing 5 minutes of standing yoga in the sun. We hope that these motivators will become new habits that people can continue to build upon in the future.

The importance of rest

On the second day, we organised a Lunch & Learn session with BrainHax. During this workshop, we discovered why rest is not a passive but an active act, just like physical exercise. We learned about energy management, and how we can incorporate more rest in a constructive way. Because, while moving is crucial for physical and mental health, so is deep rest. Especially in a world that is always plugged in and always in a hurry. It’s all about balance!

Sharing is caring

Throughout the week, we shared personal stories from our colleagues across various Projective Group countries. We’re very proud of our co-workers who were open to share their mental health journeys, explaining how physical movement has helped them to recover. The goal of this personal storytelling was to encourage awareness through authentic stories from our own people.

Now, even on my busiest days, I prioritize taking active time for myself knowing it’s essential for my wellbeing and it makes me a happier person

Like one of our consultants who had a rough time last year and needed to take some time off work to focus on their mental health. They discovered the healing qualities of long walks and, equally, taking breaks on benches in the sun to check in with themselves. Incorporating regular movement into their routine helps them deal with stress and has made them more resilient. “Now, even on my busiest days, I prioritize taking active time for myself knowing it’s essential for my wellbeing and it makes me a happier person,” they say.

Dance workshop

To conclude the week, we surprised our colleagues with a Dance Your Way To Wellness workshop. We wanted to do something a bit different from the classic online yoga class. Dancing is not only a great way to move, it also has therapeutic benefits for mental health. Dancing can boost your mood, increase your self-expression, and build a feeling of community among a group of people dancing together.

During the workshop, we practiced a short choreography and also came up with our own routine, which we then showcased to the others. This wasn’t only fun, it also allowed us to step out of our comfort zones and build some self-esteem.


Movement is an important part of mental and physical health. For Mental Health Awareness Week, we’ve given our colleagues daily tips to incorporate more movement in their routine. We learned about the importance of energy management and deep rest, and shared personal stories about colleagues’ mental health journeys. We concluded the week with a surprise dance class in which we discovered the therapeutic benefits of dance.

About Projective Group

Established in 2006, Projective Group is a leading Financial Services change specialist.

We are recognised within the industry as a complete solutions provider, partnering with clients in Financial Services to provide resolutions that are both holistic and pragmatic.  We have evolved to become a trusted partner for companies that want to thrive and prosper in an ever-changing Financial Services landscape.