Risk & Compliance ESG & Sustainable Finance

New: Regulatory Update ESG Extended

Date:April 10, 2024

Ruler, our compliance software tool, helps you to understand what steps you may need to take to stay in in control and prepares you to act, should you need to. 

Our quarterly Regulatory Updates ensure that financial organisations are well-informed about the latest developments in the relevant financial laws and regulations and their impact on financial institutions. This includes ESG regulations, should they apply to you. So far, nothing new. 

But what about the following situation?

Suppose you are considering investing in a “green fleet” of ships. Are you up to date on the “blue” developments in the EU, such as:

  • binding limits on underwater noise pollution (sea life); or
  • the political agreement on an EU-wide certification system for carbon removal (including marine carbon removals); and
  • the EU Nature Restoration Law, which aims to restore 20% of the EU’s sea and land? 

Imagine you can easily track ESG regulations that may not directly, but indirectly apply to you and therefore almost equally important. Support in making a substantiated decision for investing in the green fleet as you can assess the overall ESG impact into your decision-making process. 

Reason for Projective Group to broaden its ESG horizons with the Regulatory Update ESG Extended.

The Regulatory Update ESG Extended with EU developments in areas such as:

  • Food;
  • Energy; 
  • Social;
  • Water; 
  • Mobility;
  • Biodiversity;
  • Manufacturing

The Regulatory Update ESG Extended gives you insight into ESG regulations that may not apply directly to you but regulations that do matter….

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